Matchmaker Jennifer is on Maternity Leave!
May 14, 2020

Hi Clients!

My husband and I are so excited to have my baby on May 22nd. It’s a boy!!! I have a 6-year-old daughter, who was born May 29th and she is over the moon excited about having a baby brother. I am 44 years old and the baby was unplanned, so for me, my sweet Henry Barnes Miotke, is somewhat of a miracle.

I will be taking maternity leave starting May 15th until August 1st and will not have access to emails or voicemails.

Everyone that works for Eight at Eight and One on One loves their job. We root for the clients, consider you all as friends of sorts, and are competitive internally about who suggested the match. It’s a huge part of our identity and much more than just a job. We ask that you reciprocate this friendly relationship with reasonable expectations and understanding about how we can service you.

I am so looking forward to being a mother but know from past experience, I will be VERY READY to work August 1st. After all, I will have been home for 5 to 6 months, pretty much isolated. I will also be dying to know which of my matches that I suggested worked out.

Have a great summer!!! Stay safe.

Jennifer Miotke